
Vistas seen in wide format.


Vistas seen in wide format.

Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon

Amphitrite Point, Ucluelet, BC

The Tors near Kluane National Park, Yukon

Smoke over Lake Louise in Banff National Park, Alberta

North Shore Mountains, Vancouver, BC

Cathedral Grove, Vancouver Island

Tutshi Lake, seen from Montana Mountain, Yukon

Resurrection Bay, near Seward, Alaska

Vancouver and the Salish Sea, seen from Cypress Mountain

Aurora near Whitehorse, Yukon

Ben Nevis in the Scottish Highlands

White Pass mountains in BC and Alaska

North Shore Mountains, Vancouver, BC

View from Mount Sima, Yukon

Cheops Mountain, Glacier National Park, BC

Rabbit Blanket Lake, Ontario

Near Lake of the Woods, Ontario

AB Mountain lookout, Skagway, Alaska

La Belle Vue, Toujane, Tunisia

Resurrection Bay, Alaska

Seward, Alaska

Vancouver, BC

Howe Sound near Gibsons, BC

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